
56 Lab 12 Assessments

Hubble’s Law and the Age of the Universe Exercise

Exercise Document Link

Use the above document to submit your data and responses.

In this lab exercise, you will calculate the age of the universe using the given Hubble parameter then respond to the questions. This exercise will be graded using the rubric in the syllabus and attached document and is worth up to 35 points. (1)

The Expanding Universe Model Exercise

Exercise Document Link

Use the above document to submit your data and responses.

In this lab exercise, you will create a model of the expanding universe to utilize for completing the data table and answering the provided questions. This exercise will be graded using the rubric in the syllabus and attached document and is worth up to 30 points. (1)

Lab 12 Quiz

Quiz Document Link

This quiz contains five matching items, each worth 2 points, for a total score of up to 10 points. You will have 5 minutes to complete this quiz. You have one attempt. (1)


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