5-Search Tools

Library Catalog

Florida State College at Jacksonville

The Florida State College at Jacksonville library catalog is searchable online and contains records for all the items owned or licensed by the FSCJ Library and Learning Commons.  Items in the catalog include printed and electronic books; articles from newspapers, magazines, and scholarly journals; streamable movies and DVDs; and audio recordings in podcast and CD format.

When to Use It

Use the library catalog to search for items that you can access online because you are a currently enrolled student (valid borrower);  to locate where physical and electronic materials are stored, and to request them.

How to Use It

To access the catalog, log in through MyFSCJ or begin a search from the LLC home page: https://guides.fscj.edu/llc.  Watch our Library Video Tutorials to learn how to access and search our library catalog and to request materials.

Search Types

The catalog allows searching by author, title, journal title, subject, and keyword as well as specialty numbers such as the Library of Congress call number and ISBN (International Standard Book Number). There is also an option for advanced search.

Additional tips:

  • Keyword searches are the broadest search, as they search all information in an item record. (The search tips in Precision Searching, are based on using keywords.)
  • Subjects are a very specific set of terms that are helpful for precision searches. Often, the easiest way to find subject terms is to do a keyword search first and then look at the subject terms for those that are good matches for your topic. There is more about subject heading searching in Specialized Databases later in this section.
  • The Advanced Search screen allows a few additional search capabilities, such as multiple search fields to narrow the scope of a search term. You can also limit by year range, language, location, or format.

This chapter is adapted from 1. Library Catalog in Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research by Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.


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