5-Search Tools

Tips for Common Search Tools

Academic Search Complete

  • AND: default (alternatively: term AND term)
  • OR: term OR term
  • NOT: term NOT term
  • Exact Phrase: “exact phrase search”
  • Grouping: term AND (term OR term)


  • AND: default
  • OR: term OR term
  • NOT: term NOT term
  • Exact Phrase: “exact phrase search”
  • Grouping: Not available


  • AND: default
  • OR: term OR term
  • NOT: term -term (example: animal -cat)
  • Exact Phrase: “exact phrase search”
  • Grouping: term AND (term OR term)


  • AND: term AND term
  • OR: term OR term
  • NOT: term NOT term
  • Exact Phrase: “exact phrase search”
  • Grouping: term AND (term OR term)

FSCJ Library Catalog

  • AND: term AND term
  • OR: term OR term
  • NOT: term NOT term
  • Exact Phrase: “exact phrase search”
  • Grouping: term AND (term OR term)

This chapter is adapted from 6. Tips for Common Search Tools in Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research by Teaching & Learning, University Libraries.


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Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research Copyright © 2015, 2020 by Teaching & Learning, Ohio State University Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.