
5-Search Tools

Interlibrary Loan

Florida State College at Jacksonville

Interlibrary loan (ILL) enables you to borrow materials from public and academic libraries outside of FSCJ. You can use WorldCat or UBorrow to place a request. WorldCat searches the holdings of libraries from all over the world, as well as content from thousands of journals and millions of electronic books and web-accessible documents. UBorrow searches the holdings of Florida state colleges and universities, and some open access repositories, like HathiTrust.

When to Use WorldCat

WorldCat is good to use as a starting point for searches on a topic, and for interdisciplinary topics. It’s also good when you need a specific title or edition, and want to know if it’s available at nearby public and academic libraries. However, despite its size, WorldCat is not all-inclusive. It does not search all journals and databases, and full-text searching is limited.

Interlibrary loan does not give you immediate gratification either. It usually takes two weeks minimum for a book to arrive. Although, if the lending library is local, you could borrow directly from them instead of using ILL. One really nice thing about WorldCat is that you can request articles from other libraries. Typically, the owning library will fulfill the request by sending a digital copy directly to your email within a few days.

How to Use It

To access WorldCat log into the Library and Learning Commons from MyFSCJ, then click on “Library Databases.” WorldCat is listed alphabetically as WorldCat Discovery. For step by step directions on interlibrary loan through WorldCat, see the FSCJ LibGuide: https://guides.fscj.edu/ILL/home

When to Use UBorrow

UBorrow is also useful when searching for resources on a topic or to see what is available at other Florida state colleges and universities (public, not private). You are limited to printed books and open access repositories; most other colleges and universities do not lend out their DVDs/CDs or provide remote guest access to their databases. Like WorldCat, these requests usually take about two weeks to fill; however most lending libraries will loan their materials for 45 days and allow one renewal. If the institution is local like the University of North Florida, you can borrow books directly from their campus library.

How to Use It

Start with a basic search on your topic or for a specific title in FSCJ’s library catalog. You will notice a link to UBorrow in the top right corner of the results list, which shows how many items are available state-wide. There is also a link to UBorrow (“Search Other FL Academic Libraries”) at the bottom of the Limiter sidebar, to the left of the results list.

UBorrow link in FSCJ catalog
FSCJ library catalog with UBorrow links

If you click on either of those links, a new tab will open to a UBorrow search results list using the same search terms from the FSCJ library catalog. The list will include ALL matching items. Filter the results by “Books Available for UBorrow” to limit the results to materials you can actually request. Follow the steps in the FSCJ ILL LibGuide, which takes you through the whole process from searching to placing a request in UBorrow.

But What if I need it NOW?!

Borrowing from libraries through interlibrary loan does require some planning ahead since it usually takes two weeks minimum for a book to arrive. You’re also limited to some formats through ILL. However, if the lending library is local you can borrow directly from them instead of using ILL. Depending on the type of library and whether you’re in good standing with them (or us), you could use their resources immediately.

For example, if you have a Jacksonville Public Library (JPL) card, and don’t have lost/overdue books, you could borrow physical materials from them. WorldCat lists their holdings, or you can search their own catalog and place a hold through it. JPL also has research databases that you could use remotely if you have a library card or in-house with a guest pass.

FSCJ has what’s called a reciprocal lending agreement with all of the other public colleges and universities in Florida, which means that as an FSCJ student you can go to any public college or university and check out books using your FSCJ library account. So if you find an item through WorldCat or UBorrow that is owned by the University of North Florida, you can go directly there to get it. They might also have a guest log-in to use their databases on site.

What if you don’t have a public library card or have fines and can’t borrow anything; or it’s a private college library? You might be able to get a visitor pass to use their materials in-house. Call ahead and ask.


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Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research Copyright © 2015, 2020 by Teaching & Learning, Ohio State University Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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