
Glossary of Terms

Kerri Shields


To focus on a particular sound or message. We are more likely to attend to messages that are about us; and to humor, new ideas, real or concrete things.

customer service goals

Customer service goals are targets for your customer experience typically set by customer-facing teams and individuals as part of strategic planning and performance management (Spacey, 2020)

dichotic listening

A task in which different audio streams are presented to each ear. Typically, people are asked to monitor one stream while ignoring the other.


faulty logic

inattentional blindness

The failure to notice a fully visible, but unexpected, object or event when attention is devoted to something else.

inattentional deafness

The auditory analog of inattentional blindness. People fail to notice an unexpected sound or voice when attention is devoted to other aspects of a scene.

Physiological noise

noise stemming from a physical illness, injury, or bodily stress

Psychological noise

noise stemming from our psychological states including moods and level of arousal


Ability to recall information. We tend to remember what is important to us.


Verbal and nonverbal process to confirm understanding

response preparation

refers to our tendency to rehearse what we are going to say next while a speaker is still talking


Sorting through various sounds and deciding to which sounds to pay attention.


Assigning meaning to messages. Assigning a familiar pattern based on knowledge, experience, senses, etc.


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Glossary of Terms Copyright © 2022 by Kerri Shields is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.