12 How to see your forum grade and private post feedback

It is in your best interest to keep track of how you are doing in each discussion forum, and read my private feedback if you have submitted any “unacceptable” posts.

Here are the instructions for viewing your scored grading rubric.

  1. Click on the “My Grades” link, located in the menu of course links on the left side of the screen.
  2. click on the “View Rubric” link.
  3. If you have submitted any unacceptable posts, Ihave left specific feedback in the bottom tow of the rubric.

What is an acceptable initial post / acceptable reply post?

  • The subject is a complete sentence (statement or question) which summarizes the main point of the message.
  • The message is accurate, relevant, documented as needed, and (for replies) teaches something new about the issue under discussion.

Forum rules:

  • For full credit, the initial post must be submitted within the first 3 days that the module is open.
  • 10 acceptable reply posts are required for full credit.
  • You must post in a forum on 10 or more different days to earn full credit.


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