10 Introduction

The Value of Information

Module Introduction

In Module 3, you will learn that information has economic, educational, persuasive and intellectual value. The creator of information that is covered under the U.S. Copyright Act has certain rights to the value of the information they created. Those rights are not absolute however, exceptions are granted under certain conditions. The fair use exception is one that is often used in academic situations. Ethical use of information includes adherence to copyright, fair use and properly styled attribution of sources.

Acknowledging the work of others through correct use of standard citations not only demonstrates academic integrity but also helps insure that you do not plagiarize another person’s work. Citations provide credit where credit it is due. You will learn how to use citations in MLA or APA style to properly document your work. (1)

Learning Outcomes

This module aligns with Learning Outcomes 2 and 6.

Module Objectives

Upon completion of this module, the student will be able to:

  • Identify basic legal and ethical concepts, including intellectual property, copyright, fair use, plagiarism and academic integrity.
  • Describe how academic integrity (honesty) is related to the value of information.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation that adheres to copyright, fair use, and APA or MLA style citations. (1)

Required Readings

Teaching & Learning, Ohio State University Libraries. Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research: (CC BY 4.0.)

Note: External links and videos embedded within Choosing & Using Sources: A Guide to Academic Research are supplemental in nature.

Learning Unit: The Value of Information

Assignments and Learning Activities

  • Complete Readings
  • Participate in Module 3 Discussion
  • Complete Module 3 Quiz
  • Complete Comparing Citation Style Assignment
  • Complete Ethical Use of Digital Media Assignment


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