
12 Module 1 Assessments

Module Discussion: Greetings and Introductions

This is a course link to the Discussion Board. By linking to the main discussion board and not the specific discussion, students will be able to see the prompt before entering the board and adding their own threads. (1)

Discussion Board: Discussion Question 1

This discussion aligns with Learning Outcomes 1, 7, and 8.

Prompt: Today, many hypotheses are made about three issues:

  1. Vaccines causing Autism
  2. Food additives and dyes causing ADHD
  3. Texting while driving causes automobile accidents.

Research one of these topics and outline what you believe based on the studies you read. Be sure to cite the articles you read that support your position using APA format. (1)

Instructions: Students should complete their assigned readings and consult the discussion rubric before posting on discussion board for each module.

  • Post your initial question responses by the middle of the week so everyone has a chance to respond to your answers later in the week.
  • You should return throughout the week to review the initial post made by your classmates and to reply meaningfully to at least 2 postings made by other students.
  • You are expected to post to the forum in correct sentence and paragraph format. Remember to check for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Read the comments of others in your class before you post. (1)

You can review an example as an example of discussion response.

Grading: This discussion assignment is worth 30 points toward your final grade and will be graded using the Discussion Rubric . Please use it as a guide toward successful completion of this assignment.

This assignment aligns with Learning Outcomes 1, 7, and 8.Instructions: This assignment consists of 4 questions that are to be answered in a brief essay format. Each question is worth 15 points for a total of 60 points. Answers should be a minimum of 6-8 well thought out and well constructed sentences, demonstrating an understanding of the question/concept presented.

  1. Describe the “Skinner Box” and explain how Skinner used this to study the effects of reinforcement and punishment on behavior. Describe 2 ways reinforcement/rewards are used on human beings in today’s world.
  2. General Psychology or Introductory Psychology classes are required for many areas of study today. Explain the reasons and rationale for this requirement and outline some of the ways psychology might be used by students majoring in another area of study.
  3. Define and differentiate the terms “Correlation,” “Causation,” and “Illusory Correlation.” Give an example of at least one of the terms.
  4. The textbook discusses the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Describe the study and indicate the study parameters that were not ethical by today’s standards. Could this study be done today? Who would have to verify the ethics of such a study if it was proposed today? (1)

Notes: Minimum of 5-7 well thought out and well constructed sentences demonstrating an understanding of the question/concept presented. Suggest that you submit writing to Online Tutoring-Smarthinking under Tools & Resources for proofreading before submitting the writing to SafeAssign. (1)

Submission: This assignment uses SafeAssign™ to check originality. The overall SafeAssign™ matching score on the Originality Report must be 15% or less. Assignments that result in the SafeAssign™ score greater than 15% receive no credit. To submit your file, choose the assignment link above. Use the “Browse My Computer” button in the Attach File area to attach your documents. Be sure to complete your submission by choosing the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen.

Grading: The assignment is worth 60 points toward your final grade and will be graded using the Critical Thinking Rubric . Please use it as a guide toward successful completion of this assignment.


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